Reminiscing the childhood days Days of continuous fun With no care what the world has to say How I smile when I remember How I weep when I cant go back Oh I don't wanna grow up How I wish for a stand still sun So I could run back to my childhood days So I could play in the rain a thousand years And game with my friends for continuous days Oh I don't wanna grow up Though I'm not a score yet But I'm treated like twice a score Given the chore of a unisex To work as a jack Inconsiderate that my mind Is as that of an infant Oh I don't wanna grow up Because the fun in adulthood Is just a mere illusion So much responsibility But less capability Due to lack of ability But that of childhood Is engulfed with joy Of several dimensions Filled with laughter With no depressions Happy memories and thoughts With no digressions All thanks to the absence of responsibility The assassinator of childhood Oh please, I don't wanna grow up...