PART ELEVEN "THE STORY" BY UMORU PRAISE The quad sat along with Sofia in one of the school huts. “It’s nice to finally meet you guys. I’ve been following your page and I was thrilled on what I’ve been seeing. I’m impressed on how you guys get your research quickly and when you called me, I knew, my side of the story had been dogged up” Sofia beamed an interesting smile “Wait! your side?” Eli was shocked at her statement “how did you know our story is about Jeremy and Malia”? “Yeah how did you know?” Alex asked “First of, I added each story you laid on your page, and patched it up myself and secondly ‘Maremy’… common. It’s too easy. And it suits it” “Ahh ahnn!” Quinn snapped excitedly “I told you it was a nice name” A little laugh went round and Tony spoke out “So…how did you come across Jeremy? We found out you guys were pretty close immediately you transferred to the school in your second year” Sofia gave an astonished laugh “you guys really did some digging” she adjusted h...