Strength of a father
Joy of a mother
Pride of a sister
Help of a brother
Tear of a virgin
Alone in a room
With the mind of an infant
Welcome of innocence
Clash with the smirk of insolence
All in a space of time
The horror happens without a sight
A scream goes out for help
But the one within pays no attention
Smashed to the ground in struggle
Wounded with blows
Tear ruptured
But none considered
Unbuckled belt
Mixed with an open skirt
In tears, surrenders her strength
To the force of the wicked in full length
At last he arises
With the smirk of a job well done
Tramples on the withered red flower
As she hides to safety
Indeed, she might have needed a touch
But not a touch that causes trauma
What a graphical description of a rape victim. I join to chorus NO TO RAPE