EPISODE TWENTY TWO THE STORY 2 BY PRAISE UMORU “What!” Malia exclaimed stunned “that is a strong accusation Jeremy and I do not like it” “Don’t talk about strong accusation to a guy that was kept in jail for over three weeks because the so called family of barrister of the dead victim didn’t want to accept the fact that I was put in jail by a false accusation with an absurd evidence!” All eyes turned towards Irene whose eyes where fixated on Jeremy Jeremy didn’t appreciate Irene’s grievous stare at him so he lashed out “don’t look at me like that, you knew I was innocent the very first day you visited me in jail, you knew about the fight I had with Frank but you knew I didn’t have a hand in his death because there was no evidence that I did it since that was the last day I set my eyes on him” Irene felt insulted “Don’t try to play innocent with me you little thing, because I can still return you back to that cell for you to rot for even laying a finger on my brother, and no one ca...