“Jeremy would never do such a thing! You guys don’t believe he could do such a thing, do you?!”
Malia couldn’t help but panic. No one could calm her down because the whole crew was confused.
Each person couldn’t fathom a reason for Jeremy’s arrest neither could they fathom more that he was responsible for Frank’s death
The atmosphere gloomed with silence and confusion
Efua and Timothy rushed into the Centre
“Is it true? Jeremy was arrested?!” Timothy asked confusedly at the crew.
No one gave him a response when they saw him. Some of the crew members could identify Efua as Malia’s roommate as Malia ran towards her for a hug but Timothy was only recognized by Quinn
Quinn walked up to Timothy with a melancholic look
Timothy held Quinn’s hands softly “are you okay? Is it true? Did Jeremy actually do it?”
“I don’t know…it’s all so confusing” Quinn responded soberly with her hands still on Timothy’s’
“He didn’t do it!” Malia said with boldness “Jeremy might be a lot of things but he will never ever do such a thing”
None of the crew had any alternative word to say but her words didn’t cheer them up either
“Jeremy chose to be a doctor because he wanted to save lives!” Malia continued strolling her eyes round the Centre gazing at each person. She landed her gaze on Tim “you know that, you are his closest Friend. Why would he want to take a life, one that loved him as a brother?!”
“Malia calm down” Efua said softly
“Don’t tell me to calm down.” She pulled herself away from Efua “I can’t believe you all would think of him that way. Even you!” she pointed to Timothy
Timothy wanted to say something but Malia cut him off “don’t defend yourself because you have that look. Each and every one of you have that look in your eyes that he is capable of doing such a thing.”
“We have to get Him out of that place, Jeremy doesn’t deserve to be there.
Quinn… Elizabeth… Tony… Alex…Efua…Timothy. Pleaseeeee. Jeremy didn’t do it please.
Tony gave a side smile “for a lady who was wrongly blamed for the death of her best friend by her boyfriend who is now being blamed for that same crime... you sure do trust and believe in people a lot”
The atmosphere became quiet once again
“We supported Alex when he followed his guts, let’s do the same for Malia. We got nothing to lose” Quinn said still standing with Timothy
“I don’t think Jeremy is capable of such a thing also” Timothy glanced a faint smile at Malia which she reciprocated
“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you” Tony said with a serious tone gazing at Tim intently
“His name is Timothy” Quinn responded but tony wasn’t satisfied
“I am Timothy Fayola, a medical student and a friend of Jeremy and Quinn”
The crew looked surprised especially Tony
“He was the one that accompanied me to Frank’s house and… also to… Dr, Badmus’s house. He was the reason Dr. Badmus even gave me a chance into his house” the crew gave her a questioning look “Timothy and Dr. Badmus are related.”
“How come you never told me” Tony still didn’t look comfortable.
Quinn was surprised at Tony’s reaction and she seemed to like it, but wasn’t still sure which she liked more, either the fact that he cared for her or that he wasn’t comfortable with the fact that she was with another guy and he didn’t like it
“I didn’t have the time to, but now you know” Quinn tried to sound indifferent about the scenario
“Fine” Tony decided to give up the issue not to look weirdly uncomfortable to everyone
“Was he the guy you said was making your head spin with his grammar” Eli couldn’t help but laugh a bit
Quinn sank inwardly with her eyes closed. She took a peek at Timothy who smiled sheepishly
“Anyways it nice to meet you” Eli said with a welcoming smile
“Mm... guys. About Jeremy” Malia said soberly “where do we start from…?”
To be continued…
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